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This was reported in an interview with the publication Gazeta.Ru by the head of the expert center “Autocriminalist” Maxim Shelkov. According to the specialist, with the help of a fake document, criminals try to sell cars with a criminal past. Most often, such schemes are used when selling stolen cars, as well as vehicles that are pledged or have other restrictions on registration actions.

When buying a car, the expert advises paying close attention to the design of the seller’s passport. The document should not show signs of re-gluing the photo, as well as a second laminating layer. It is also necessary to make sure that the intruder did not glue an extra page to the spine of the passport.

A new fraud scheme using driver’s licenses has appeared in Russia A new fraud scheme using fuel cards has appeared in Russia A new fraud scheme has appeared in Russian car repair shops

When checking a document, it is recommended to compare the series, number and year of issue with the code of the department in which it was issued. Fraudsters often use passports with the Moscow region, while the department code does not apply to the capital. For example, in counterfeit documents, the first two digits indicating the region of issue do not correspond to the rest of the data.

At the end of May, a fraudulent scheme involving driver’s licenses appeared in Russia. The attackers offered to buy the document on phishing Internet pages.

Police sports cars have already left for us.

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