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The “Veterans of Russia” movement approached the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with such a proposal, reports the Shot telegram channel. According to participants in the movement, at this age people’s hearing or vision often deteriorate, and their reactions slow down. Because of this, they can create dangerous situations on the roads.

Upd.: The Ministry of Health did not support the idea of ​​limiting the age of drivers. According to Assistant Minister of Health Alexey Kuznetsov, the proposal has not been developed, and age in itself does not affect the ability to drive safely.

“Veterans of Russia” propose to oblige drivers over a certain age to undergo extraordinary and more stringent medical examinations. If the medical examination is successfully passed, a driver’s license should be issued not for ten years, as usual, but, for example, for five or less.

Leading specialist in gerontology and geriatrics Yuri Konev agrees with veterans, but, in his opinion, the bar may be higher – 75 years. The reason for another discussion of the age limit was an accident in which a 90-year-old woman hit a pedestrian and fled the scene of the accident.

The cost of repairing a Lada Granta after an accident has been calculated. A 103-year-old pensioner with an expired license was detained for dangerous driving. A pensioner crashed a rare Ferrari worth three million dollars.

Deputies have repeatedly proposed setting a similar age limit, but so far there are no restrictions for older drivers. There is only a lower limit: from the age of 16 you can get a license to drive light motorcycles (category A1) and mopeds (M), from the age of 18 – motorcycles (A), cars (B) and so on.

According to statistics for 2023, most often accidents occur due to the fault of drivers aged 30 to 39 years. This may be explained by the fact that there are more such motorists on the roads, and pensioners themselves often refuse to drive for health reasons.

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