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Auto mechanic Nikolai Kireenko spoke about the need to warm up the internal combustion engine in winter

The question of the need to warm up the internal combustion engine before driving still causes heated debate among Russian motorists. Some are firmly convinced that without first warming up the engine you shouldn’t even start moving, especially in the cold season. Others consider it a relic of the past and a complete waste of time.

According to experienced auto mechanic Nikolai Kireenko, from the point of view of European standards, warming up the engine at idle speed is actually prohibited by environmental legislation. After all, a running engine emits harmful exhaust gases into the atmosphere. In our country, you also cannot stand with the engine running in a residential area for more than 5 minutes – otherwise a fine of 500 rubles.

However, modern engines, according to Kireenko, only need 2 minutes of warming up for the temperature to rise to the optimal 18-20 degrees. This is provided that all components and assemblies are in full working order. However, it is better to drive the first kilometers smoothly, without forcing revs above 2 thousand, allowing the engine to warm up. Although, as the expert notes, mechanical parts require more thorough heating – up to 40-50 degrees in order to extend the life of the car.

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