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Insurers decided to begin issuing new type insurance certificates, called the “Blue Card,” from July 1, 2024. The “Blue” document will replace the “Green Card”, since last year Russia and Belarus, for sanctions reasons, were excluded from this international insurance system by decision of the General Assembly of the Council of Insurance Bureaux. In other words, the Blue Card will confirm the auto liability insurance of Russian drivers when traveling to the Republic of Belarus.

It is worth recalling that the “Green Card” is an international motor third party liability insurance policy, similar to the Russian OSAGO. The system has been operating since the 50s of the last century, and Russia joined it only in 2009. The purpose of the certificate is that, instead of individual local insurance, a driver from a participating country buys comprehensive protection for foreign trips.

After Russia and Belarus were excluded from the international insurance system, the countries began to develop their own cross-border insurance system. This is how the Blue Card appeared, which will be issued to motorists on July 1. As for the cost of new insurance, the previous rates will remain in effect until July 14, 2024, and new reduced base rates will begin to apply from July 15. “Recalculation of tariffs adjusted for the inflation factor will be carried out according to the new rules once a quarter, whereas previously they were adjusted monthly,” explained the press service of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers.

Russia and Belarus have introduced a unified MTPL system “Blue Card.” Geely worth a billion dollars was brought to Russia from Belarus. VGV cars that are waiting in Russia will be assembled in Belarus. Price known

New cards will be produced decentralized using corporate technical means of insurers, but according to a single form on blue sheets. “Work is underway to transition to their registration in electronic form in the future,” added the RSA.

Let us recall that on June 1, 2023, an Agreement was concluded between the Russian Union of Motor Insurers and the Belarusian Bureau of Transport Insurance, which established the terms of insurance, the procedure for payments, mutual settlements and mutual guarantees – in accordance with the applicable rules of the Green Card system. At the same time, the countries agreed to temporarily use Green Card forms, and this will continue until July.

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