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The press service of the auto giant reported that the subsidiary has produced a prototype of an automated gearbox with the working title A1310. The initial model is a 9-speed German “mechanics” 9S1310TO with a single-plate clutch. This transmission has been localized at KamAZ, and now the next step is being prepared – turning it into a “robot” based on Russian blocks and software.

KamAZ emphasizes that the new automated gearbox will be “sanction-resistant.” Testing of the transmission will begin on heavy three-axle trucks of the old K3 line: all-wheel drive KamAZ-43118 (6×6), dump truck 65115, tractor 65116 and onboard tractor 65117. Another prototype will be produced based on the two-axle fire truck 63934 with a K5 cab.

KamAZ revealed the appearance of a futuristic tractor from the 2030 strategy KamAZ showed a more affordable and high-torque truck of the K5 line KamAZ for the first time showed a very wide 50-ton dump truck

KamAZ does not specify the timing of the appearance of the domestic machine gun on commercial trucks, but claims that there is great interest in the product from customers. In the future, the Russian 9-speed transmission “will be widely used.” So far, two-pedal KamAZ models make do with Chinese Fast Gear automatic transmissions, and before the sanctions, K5 tractors were equipped with a German 12-speed ZF automatic transmission.

KamAZ has another automatic transmission project. From Motor’s own sources, it became known that the auto giant is testing prototypes of NefAZ-5299 buses with the Russian KATE gearbox. For now, passenger vehicles are produced with Chinese units.

And KAMAZ came

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