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The capital’s automobile plant is actively working on organizing the assembly of an electric car developed on its own, production director of the automobile plant Oleg Maslyakov said in an interview with RIA Novosti. The “battery” new product, which will mainly consist of domestic components, will see the light of day in 2025 – if everything goes according to plan. It is not yet known when production will begin.

The main components of the design – the electric motor, the traction battery and others – will be Russian, Maslyakov promised, describing the electric car of Moskvich’s own design.

Now, according to him, active work is underway to set up production and negotiate with domestic suppliers.

In the spring it was reported that by 2025 only the first prototype of the electric car would be ready. At the same time, plant director Dmitry Pronin assured that the car would receive a domestic platform, and in the future the manufacturer would strive to localize the assembly one hundred percent, ensuring technological sovereignty.

Now there is already an electric car in the Moskvich line – this is a crossover with the 3e index, also known as the Chinese JAC E40X. This is the most expensive model of the brand, which is driven by a 193-horsepower (340 Nm) electric motor and travels up to 410 kilometers without recharging. The cost excluding discounts and benefits on a preferential loan is 3,950,000 rubles.

New Russians: premieres of our automobile industry

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