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“Smart” technologies that are crammed into modern Chinese cars can collect and transmit data to the PRC, including to the military, US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said in the House of Representatives. In this regard, it is proposed to either interfere with their software or completely remove them from American roads.

It is still unclear whether “battery-powered” Chinese cars will be banned or a way to monitor “smart” electronics will be found, but this issue is already being discussed at the top. In any case, all data collected by electric cars should be stored in the United States, Raimondo noted.

She also recalled that China is already limiting the use of electric cars made in the USA – in particular, Tesla. Back in 2021, the Chinese authorities privately asked employees of state-owned companies not to drive Teslas to work, and also not to drive them into areas where officials associated with national security live. The use of Tesla was banned on the territory of military complexes, hospitals and airports.

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The reason is similar: it was claimed that electric cars could collect photo and video materials, data on routes and car owners for the purpose of transmitting them to the US government.

Information about a new tightening of policies regarding Chinese cars followed the decision to raise duties from 25 to 100 percent. Following the United States, they decided to increase fees in Europe, a much more important market for manufacturers of “green” cars from China, as well as in Turkey and Canada.

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