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Buying Japanese cars through gray imports will become 90 times more expensive, but not for everyone

On October 29, legislative amendments will come into force in Russia, significantly increasing the recycling fee for “gray” importers and resellers of used foreign cars. For them, the fee will increase almost 90 times compared to private individuals.

Previously, legal entities paid higher recycling fees than individuals. But resellers used a loophole – they registered imported cars under dummies. Now this trick will stop working. The amendments will directly affect the “gray” import of Japanese cars. The new rules will significantly raise costs for resellers, and hence the final price for the buyer.

As a result, it will be more profitable to order and clear Japanese foreign cars through customs yourself, bypassing intermediaries. This will deal a serious blow to the “gray” car market and may lead to a reduction in sales of used foreign cars. Thus, the state is taking another step to stimulate the legal import of cars and combat “gray” import schemes. Although for ordinary car enthusiasts this may result in an increase in prices for used foreign cars. You will either have to pay more or take risks with “gray” imports.

Published: 10/26/2023 | Author: Sergey Valitov

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