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The Moscow Arbitration Court did not accept the claims of Silver Basis Investment Development from Hong Kong, which argued that the Russian company must pay for the supply of components. However, at that time the plant was called Renault Russia and belonged to Renault. In this regard, the department did not see any grounds for accepting the application for proceedings.

Silver Basis stated that the Renault Russia car plant did not pay 2.5 million euros back in 2020 for the supply of equipment for the production of components. At that time, the company produced Renault cars. Representatives of Moskvich later reported that the information provided by the Hong Kong company creates a false impression of the company’s financial capabilities and also undermines its business reputation.

A company from Hong Kong threatens the Moskvich plant with bankruptcy. Russian officials and departments continue to switch to Moskvich cars. Moskvich cars have begun to be assembled in a new way.

As a result, the Moscow Arbitration Court refused to begin proceedings. Thus, the capital’s automobile plant is no longer threatened with bankruptcy.

At the beginning of February, a vacancy for an automobile plant director appeared in Moscow. Perhaps they were looking for a manager specifically for Moskvich.

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