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The traffic police used television cameras back in Soviet times to visually monitor road congestion, but in the late nineties, the first calls began to introduce completely different cameras into our road network – as it was called then, “intelligent television”. And these first systems gradually learned not only to recognize signs on a car, but also its color, speed, even make. And today, in 2024, we decided to sum up the interim results of the development of these systems with expert Konstantin Sorokin, who, as a journalist, has been following the development of these technologies from the very beginning.

In general, let’s talk with Konstantin about the shortcomings of the first traffic control cameras and their capabilities today, ask how they work, issue fines, and whether they can track dangerous driving. Let’s find out how cameras are destroyed in the regions and how they hide from them. And the main thing is who sits on the other side of the screen and looks at us through their lenses. After all, the information from the cameras is used not only by the traffic police, but also by the special services. And of course, let’s sum it up and fantasize in which direction all this is developing and where it can ultimately lead us. In general, watch the new episode of the podcast and be surprised.

By the way, recent podcasts explored equally interesting topics about new realities. For example, the state of the Russian car market. Is he dying and who captured him? Who are the leaders and losers – we summarize the results of the last two years right here.

And here you can watch a podcast on a more touching and unexpected topic: the worst cars of the USSR. We talked about such cars (and not only) with the expert on Soviet retro Ivan Zenkevich – after all, books have been written about the best representatives of the automobile industry and many films have been made. /m

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