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It may seem logical to assume that brake fluid is only intended for use on a car’s brakes. However, it is a versatile substance that can be used in many ways. In this case, it can play an amazing role in preserving the rubber seals of the car.

Experienced auto mechanics may recommend using kerosene to care for rubber seals, which effectively restores dry rubber. However, the goal is not revival, but prevention. This is where brake fluid comes to the rescue. Interestingly, many people consider brake fluid toxic. There is even an opinion that it contains a weak acid, since it can cause a slight burning sensation if it comes into contact with the skin. The fear is that if it gets on the car’s paint, it will cause instant damage.

However, this is a misconception. Brake fluid is one of the safest substances you can find in your car. Although this may have side effects such as dissolving the paint, it applies to older enamel-based ones. Modern cars, on the contrary, are not subject to these influences.

This fluid contains hydraulic oil. Its main purpose has always been to protect metal and seals from wear. This prevents rusting and drying out. In the context of today’s discussion, brake fluid can help protect door seals from drying out and, as winter approaches, from freezing. Here’s a simple method of application: take a rag, dampen it with a small amount of brake fluid and wipe all the rubber seals in the car doorways.

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