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The six-wheeled fire truck, created on a cabover chassis platform, was developed jointly with engineers from the Tekhinkom-Center company. The protected equipment is driven by an 11-liter YaMZ-652 engine, the output of which is 412 horsepower.

Armored vehicles were developed for use during fire extinguishing at complex sites where there is a threat to the life and health of firefighters. The vehicle is equipped with hidden cabin protection, as well as an armored combat crew module. In addition, the engine compartment is additionally protected from external influences.

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Firefighters will be able to control the fire monitor using remote control. On board the special equipment there are 500 liters of water and 360 liters of fire extinguishing foam.

In 2022, a tanker truck built on the KamAZ base appeared in the fleet of Polish firefighters. The six-wheeled equipment was paid for by the country’s authorities.

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