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This summer, the United States will raise import duties on Chinese “battery” cars to 100 percent, and Europe – to a maximum of 38 percent. China, which continues to increase production rates, will have to redirect export flows. As a result, Chinese cars are targeting Southeast Asia (SEA), which could hit Japanese companies actively operating there, writes Nikkei.

In August, duties on electric cars from China to the United States will quadruple. However, this will not affect the Chinese much, since the United States market accounts for only one percent of exports. Much more significant will be the consequences of increasing duties in the EU, where China exports up to 41 percent of electric cars.

Last year, Europe received 650 thousand Chinese “green” cars. They now occupy approximately 10 percent of the EU market.

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As a result of raising tariffs, cars will become more expensive, which will make it much more difficult for the Chinese to enter the market. At the same time, by 2025, Chinese automobile factories will be able to produce 36 million electric cars and hybrids per year.

If the path to the USA and Europe is closed for them, they will head to the countries of Asia and Southeast Asia. Competition there will increase, and China and Japan will clash in price wars, experts predict. Now the Japanese occupy more than 90 percent of the Indonesian car market and almost 70 percent of the Thai market.

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