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A year ago, during Motor’s first acquaintance with the Li L9, our text ended with these words: “The bar has been set very high, and now I am curiously waiting to meet a Chinese car that will be able to raise it even higher.” Moreover, during this time, the L9 in Russia entered the top bestsellers of the most prestigious off-road class F, second in sales only to the Toyota Land Cruiser 300. But with the Chinese pace of development of models and brands, “Lishka” is already ready to be supplanted by the ambitious newcomer of the Great Wall concern called Wey 07 And if you generally like the Li L9, but want something more original and affordable, then the Wey seems like a worthy alternative.

Inside, everything immediately seems familiar: a one and a half liter turbo engine under the hood and a battery under the floor of the body are combined into a 517-horsepower hybrid system with a power reserve of 1,200 kilometers. The cabin has three rows of seats, three screens in front and one in the back, the layout of controls and even the menu – everything is similar to Lixiang. But there are a couple of important differences, both good and not so good. The latter includes spring suspension: there is no pneuma, and, as a result, the ride is worse. And the advantages include a more affordable price and the fact that 07 will officially appear at Russian dealers this year. In general, watch the inclusion about the new product directly from the Great Wall Motor company testing site in the vicinity of Beijing right here.

Where can I find a detailed review of the operation of the Li L7 and the answer to the question of whether it’s worth buying? Is this really the best crossover or is it a dud in everyday use? A video with the results and calculation of losses was published on Motor right here.

The story about another Wey 07 competitor, the living room on wheels from Huawei, Aito M7, can be read at this link. This is another sequential hybrid with a very comfortable interior and a power reserve of more than 1200 km. /m

China’s most expensive all-terrain vehicle New Tank 700: video Video: Li L9 – the most advanced crossover from China

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